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PC Connectivity

Universal Frame Relay Access Device

Adax Inc.

ADAX's Universal Frame Relay Access Device (UFRAD) is a Streams modulethat supplies multiport, multiprotocol Frame Relay access, switching, andload balancing in either host or network mode, at speeds from 1200 bps to2.04 Mbps (T1/E1). The new APC-Sbus/D53 controller allows up to 45 Mb/s(T3/E3).The basic product is available as Host/Node for LAN gateway and networkaccess. The optional Multiport Switching Host/Node module provides simpleand efficient Frame Relay access that is also cost-effective. Itconcentrates and switches other Frame Relay devices as well asencapsulates Streams-based protocols such as TCP/IP, SNA, OSI, X.25,ISDN, TPa4 over ISO 8473 datagrams, or other devices to the Frame Relaynetwork, thereby sharing bandwidth and resources.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2 Solaris x86 2.0,2.1

Adax Inc.
614 Bancroft Way
Berkeley, CA 94710
Phone: (510) 548-7047
Fax: (510) 548-5526